Peter Radizeski is Founder and President of RAD-INFO INC. He is an accomplished blogalyst, speaker, author and consultant. He has helped many service providers with sales training, marketing, channel development and business strategy. He is a trusted source of knowledge about the telecom sector. His honest and direct approach make him a refreshing speaker.

Look for his innovative ideas and analysis of current technology on his blogs.

Meet him at one of the many conferences he attends and speaks at.

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Wireless Data

  • Are you in search of wireless data cards or a 4G/5G backup?
  • Want to know the difference between 5G and 4G?
  • Are you a service provider looking for a way to offer mobility services to your customer base?
  • Wondering what an MVNO is?
  • Looking for Mobility Management?

Call RAD-INFO INC today to get these answers!

RAD-INFO Line is 813-963-5884