Peter Radizeski is Founder and President of RAD-INFO INC. He is an accomplished blogalyst, speaker, author and consultant. He has helped many service providers with sales training, marketing, channel development and business strategy. He is a trusted source of knowledge about the telecom sector. His honest and direct approach make him a refreshing speaker.

Look for his innovative ideas and analysis of current technology on his blogs.

Meet him at one of the many conferences he attends and speaks at.

Hire RAD-INFO today!

Data Services

Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) are being replaced by MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching).

MPLS is a fancy way of saying a prioritization scheme for data packets on a private WAN. With MPLS, various types of traffic can be prioritized over other traffic. For example, voice and video can be given preference on the network over email. This can also help with Citrix and other programs that are vital to employees work.

Private Line

Private networking via a point-to-point circuit. DS1, DS3, OC-x – we can get you a reliable, cost-effective solution for transporting your data traffic safely and quickly from Point A to Point B.

We also provision  Fixed Wireless and Metro Ethernet.

Data Storage & Backup

Your data is important for your business. Insure that it remains available and intact. Your Business Continuity depends on it. We can assist you in finding the right solution.