Peter Radizeski is Founder and President of RAD-INFO INC. He is an accomplished blogalyst, speaker, author and consultant. He has helped many service providers with sales training, marketing, channel development and business strategy. He is a trusted source of knowledge about the telecom sector. His honest and direct approach make him a refreshing speaker.

Look for his innovative ideas and analysis of current technology on his blogs.

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SELLECOM 2:Cloud Services

A guide to selling Hosted PBX and other cloud services for agents, VAR’s and direct sales.
106 pages, Paperback: $29.95, eBook on Sales: $5

SELLECOM: 101 Ideas for Marketing in the Telecom Jungle

101 Ideas for Marketing in the Telecom Jungle. This book includes over 100 ideas for selling, marketing and running a business in the telecommunications industry today. 301 pages, Paperback: $29.92, eBook: $9.97

LIT BUILDINGS: A Sales Plan for Service Providers

Sales planning guide for sales managers at telecommunications companies.
49 pages, Paperback: $199, eBook: $94.99

Setting the Sail

Sales planning guide for sales managers at telecommunications companies.
53 pages, eBook: $9.99