Peter Radizeski is Founder and President of RAD-INFO INC. He is an accomplished blogalyst, speaker, author and consultant. He has helped many service providers with sales training, marketing, channel development and business strategy. He is a trusted source of knowledge about the telecom sector. His honest and direct approach make him a refreshing speaker.

Look for his innovative ideas and analysis of current technology on his blogs.

Meet him at one of the many conferences he attends and speaks at.

Hire RAD-INFO today!

Internet Services

Dedicated Internet Access

With Dedicated Internet Service, you will enjoy all the advantages of the global marketplace. You’ll even be able to choose the access method, transmission speed, and options that best suit your business and fit your budget. Dedicated Internet Service provides a reliable, high-speed Internet connection with Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

DSL for Business

Looking for an inexpensive upgrade from Dial-Up? We can provide you with Broadband access to get your email up to 50 times faster than a 56k modem connection.

More Internet Options

Managed Firewall – protection affordable for Small Businesses

Co-location & Managed Services – keeping an IT staff is expensive, we can outsource your data network services with 24/7 support

Web Hosting – Do you have an Internet Presence?

From the basics, like Anti-Virus, SPAM and Content Filtering to VPN or Remote Back-up, we can help your Internet connection do more for your Business Productivity.

Call today to get a quote from RAD-INFO INC, a telecom agency representing 20+ carriers since 1999.

RAD-INFO INC (813) 963-5884