RAD-INFO, Inc. can quote and provision services from these companies:
- ILEC: AT&T (including SBC, BellSouth and ACC Business), Windstream Business, CenturyLink/Qwest
- CLEC & Fiber: EarthLink Business, Cbeyond, Sprint, tw telecom, Level(3), Zayo/AboveNet, Masergy, XO and FiberLight
- MSO: Comcast, Cox, TWC, Bright House.
- RESELLERS: AireSpring, NITEL, and NetWolves.
- Regional Providers like: Hunt Telecom, XFONE USA, Rapid Systems, Tele-Pacific and TampaBay DSL
- VOIP providers like M5, PointOne, FreedomIQ, West, VoIP Innovations, PBX-change, & more.
- Collocation, Data Storage/Backup, Dedicated Hosting: Host.net, Spiderhost, Telx, Savvis, and others.
- Conferencing (web, audio, video): VidTel, Intercall, StartMeeting and others.
RAD-INFO, Inc. provisions transit (Internet bandwidth) and transport.
(T1, DS3, OC-x, wavelength, fiber and Metro Ethernet.)
We also work with SAAS companies like VAR Dynamics and IKANO/Google Apps.
Call us today to be your outsourced telecommunications provisioning partner:
Certified, Professional, Knowledgeable and Experienced.